I like to freeze my chops into dinner-sized portions. For us, that's about 4-5 chops at a time. For this, I use my FoodSaver Vacuum Sealing System
On pork chop day, I almost always use my favorite chop recipe from All Day I Dream About Food. I love this recipe because it is so quick and easy to make. I like to serve it with whatever vegetables were on sale that week. Or canned veggies from Aldi if there were no great veggie sales. Baked sweet potatoes (favorite recipe here) also go well with this, although they require a little planning ahead due to baking time.
The recipe calls for whiskey, but if you don't keep liquor in the house (what?!?), it works just fine without the whiskey. It also works just fine without the chicken broth, if you're like me and sometimes are too lazy to thaw pork chops AND broth in the same night. I have actually adapted this recipe and use wayyyy more heavy cream than the original calls for, because heavy whipping cream is this family's favorite ingredient. I also have adapted the cream sauce recipe for other meats (for instance, I botched the steak so we need to cover it with cream).
This pork chop recipe turned pork chop night from something my husband tolerated into a night he enjoys.
Cream really improves most anything. Which is why I don't let myself buy it! Haha